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How lithium batteries are better than lead-acid batteries

durch YINTOM 14 May 2024 0 Kommentare
How lithium batteries are better than lead-acid batteries

Lithium-ion and lead acid batteries can both store energy effectively, but each has unique advantages and drawbacks,but overall lithium batteries are better than lead-acid batteries:


The one category in which lead acid batteries seemingly outperform lithium-ion options is their cost. A lead acid battery system may cost hundreds or thousands of dollars less than a similarly-sized lithium-ion setup - lithium iron phosphate battery currently cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000 including installation, and this range can go higher or lower depending on the size of system you need.

While lead acid batteries typically have lower purchase and installation costs compared to lithium-ion options, the lifetime value of a lithium-ion battery evens the scales. Below, we’ll outline other important features of each battery type to consider and explain why these factors contribute to an overall higher value for lithium-ion battery systems.


A battery’s capacity measures how much energy can be stored (and eventually discharged) by the battery. While capacity numbers vary between battery models and manufacturers,12v lithium battery technology has been well-proven to have a significantly higher energy density than lead acid batteries. This means more energy can be stored using the same physical space in a lithium-ion battery. Because you can store more energy with lithium-ion technology, you can discharge more energy, thus powering more appliances for longer periods.

Depth of discharge

A battery’s depth of discharge is the percentage of the battery that can be safely drained of energy without damaging the battery. While it is normal to use 85 percent or more of a lithium-ion battery’s total capacity in a single cycle, lead acid batteries should not be discharged past roughly 50 percent, as doing so negatively impacts the battery's lifetime. The superior depth of discharge possible with lithium-ion technology means that lithium-ion batteries have an even higher effective capacity than lead acid options, especially considering the higher energy density in lithium-ion technology mentioned above.


Like solar panel efficiency, battery efficiency is an important metric to consider when comparing different options. Most lithium-ion batteries are 95 percent efficient or more, meaning that 95 percent or more of the energy stored in a lithium-ion battery is actually able to be used. Conversely, lead acid batteries see efficiencies closer to 80 to 85 percent. Higher efficiency batteries charge faster, and similarly to the depth of discharge, improved efficiency means a higher effective battery capacity.


Batteries are also similar to solar panels in that they degrade over time and become less effective as they age. Discharging a battery to power your home or appliances and then recharging it with solar energy or the grid counts as one “cycle.” The numbers vary from study to study, but deep cycle lithium battery generally last several times the number of cycles as lead acid batteries, leading to a longer effective lifespan for lithium solar batteries

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