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Russian court freezes assets of 2 German banks in gas project dispute

durch YINTOM 04 Jun 2024 0 Kommentare
Russian court freezes assets of 2 German banks in gas project dispute

Updated 8:29 AM GMT+8, May 20, 2024

VIENNA (AP) A court in the Russian city of St. Petersburg has ordered the seizing of assets of Germanys Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank in the country, the Russia state news agency Tass says. The order is in response to a lawsuit over the planned construction of a liquefied natural gas terminal in the Baltic Sea.

The banks were among the guarantors in the contract for building a gas processing plant by a multinational construction firm, Renaissance Heavy Industries, and German company Linde. But the project was cancelled after Western sanctions, with the banks withdrawing their guarantees.

The cancellation came at the request of RusChemAlliance, a subsidiary of Russian gas giant Gazprom and the operator of the project, German news agency dpa reported.

RusChemAlliance paid advances to Linde for the building of the plant. The company is claiming about 238.61 million euros ($260 million) against Deutsche Bank and 94.92 million euros ($103 million) against Commerzbank, according to dpa.

In a statement Deutsche Bank said that it has made a provision for approximately 260 million euros ($283 million) under an indemnification agreement.

It also said that it would need to assess the immediate operational impact in Russia and see how the claim will be viewed by the the Russian courts.

Western nations have imposed a wide range of sanctions against Russia over Moscows invasion of Ukraine two years ago.

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